Monday, March 05, 2007

DesertSky Marketing - Explanations

Another email from Dustin regarding DSM.

Dear xxxx,

I'd like to clarify a few things that have been posted in forums and emailed to me as questions.

1. Why would DSM need to close if we've taken in $4,375,615.00 in upgrades?

The fact is DSM only took in $1,299,752.00 in real cash upgrades. DSM has paid out to members, in real cash, $867,757.93. Not to mention advertising fees, server costs, prizes, etc. (although these additional costs were minimal).

2. Why couldn't we just continue with the minimum daily percentage?

Had the ad pack purchases leveled off at even half of our normal, we could have continued. However, as you can see, they were not leveling off. They continued a downward trend of approximately 50% of the previous day. Without sales, no business can continue. At the same time, our daily cashout requests quadrupled. Rather than allow this to continue, and burn through our reserve funds, while taking on more ad pack responsibilities, I decided it best in everyone's interest to close it down sooner, rather than later. Do you know of any business that could continue if their income drops and expenses increase at the rates DSM was experiencing?

3. Will everyone get a refund?

Yes. Like I mentioned earlier, each member's refund will be figured as follows: total of real cash upgrades -minus- total paid cashouts = refund amount due. Members who continued to support DSM after the daily % dropped will receive a 10% bonus. Also, these members will be paid out first.

4. CEPtrust complaints:

I received an email from CEPtrust on Friday because they received a large number of complaints that members of DSM had not been paid "for many, many days". This is a total lie! It amazes me that members would lie about a program like that. On Friday, DSM only owed the payments that were due that day. All previous days had been paid within our terms of 1 business day. I've instructed to CEPtrust to request screenshots of the members cashout history who are lying (since they would not be able to produce any that shows their CEPtrust payments pending for "many, many days").

5. Late payments:

The only payments that were not paid within one business day were approximately 60 egold payments. The reason for this is CEPtrust was unable to complete the Egold transfer that I had requested earlier, so these payments could be made on time. Rather than being able to fulfill our order within 2 business days, I received an email on the day it was due that they could fulfill it in 7 business days (the amount requested was $25k). The reason for this transfer was DSM had many members who upgraded with CEPtrust, but cashed out to egold.

6. When will I know how much my refund amount will be?

I've been attending classes all weekend, so I have not had the time work on the script that will audit all the accounts and figure the refund amount. I will start on this Monday. This should take about 3 days to complete. I will then send out an email and also put a link to the refund amount in your members area.

7. When will refunds start being paid?

Refunds will start being paid next week immediately after we complete the account audits. They will continue until every member has been refunded.


A profit-share program is only as strong as the support it receives from its members. Look at CEPcoast and Coastin88, when their percentage dropped, the members continued to support the program and they were able to continue operations. When other profit share programs experience a drop in their daily %, don't panic, continue to support the program and you will be able to continue to enjoy the benefits of it.

Happy Surfing,

DesertSky Marketing

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