Friday, March 23, 2007

Good news from 9PNS and DSM

Well, not sure how someone can put 43K in somewhere and not remember it so kind of strange to me but the good news is that he is honest about it and is willing to pay back members the money that he found. Anything that benefits the members is a good sign to me. =)

As for DSM, good news also that it's opening up it's cashout button and that members will get paid even if they do not have a CEP account. Payout date is next friday so wait for more good news from posts that I have been paid.


From 9PNS

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT! Woah! and Woooooooooooooooooooooooohoooo

I was just consolidating the various e-gold accounts I had set up and... and FOUND a whopping 43K in e-gold IN ONE THAT I RARELY USED! I just knew something was wrong, as there are more folks to pay out!


Haha! Good news for all those folks still owed their 38.9%!

Am happy as punch!

Can you imagine my elation? HOLY COW! and ... my GOD! Spread the news!


Guess what? The account is labeled as SAFETY in my notebook! Safety indeed!

Sigh... suddenly the pressure is MUCH lower!

Ok, so... be patient... it will take me a few days to pay all that out!

So those of you still not paid your 38.9%... don't smother me with PMs and e-mails... many will get paid out! Am hoping ALL, as the price of gold is way up!

I love you guys and gals!


From DSM

I have enabled the cashout button as of this time since I'm not sure if I'll still have Internet connection tonight at midnight, server time. However, please realize that if you request a cashout today, you will NOT be able to request another cashout tomorrow no matter what your member level is. So, to cashout the maximum amount that you can, request your cashout tomorrow.

Only cashout requests made by 11:59:59 PM, March 23rd (server time) will be honored. All cashout requests made AFTER March 23rd (server time) will be denied.

Only cashout requests made to CEPtrust will be honored. If you still have Egold or AlertPay in your profile and request a cashout, it will be denied and you will have to wait until the next cashout request date (two weeks) to request another cashout. By now, you've had plenty of time to update your account. :-) So, make sure to update your payment processor BEFORE you make your cashout request. :-)

Please remember that all these cashouts will be paid on Friday, March 30th to your CEPtrust (or the special DSM CEPtrust if you've already submitted your information).

I still have very limited and sporadic Internet connection, but will be home this Saturday and will get caught up with all my emails and support tickets by Sunday evening.

If you have problems cashing out, or didn't get credited for surfing while I've been out of the office do not panic. I will get your account all fixed up and your cashout request processed when I get back so you will get paid the correct amount by payday (March 30th). :-)
Happy Surfing,

DesertSky Marketing
A CEP Company

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